the new coach

So proud of my husband! In addition to working in BT, he recently passed a challenging International Coaching Federation test to become an Associate Certified Coach. From the ICF website:

“Client by client, ICF coaches help improve lives, relationships and business performance. They make a real and measurable difference in people’s lives, which is why we’re passionate about making sure our coaches and the institutions that train them are well-equipped to do their jobs.”

Coaching is a topic Mason was first introduced to while pursuing his master’s degree in leadership from Luther Rice University. About two years ago, he decided to pursue further training in this area. Coaching taught him a new way to connect with people, an area in which he found untapped abilities. Mason has a way of thinking clearly, seeing things from a practical perspective, and asking willing participants the right questions that lead them to make changes they’ve felt incapable of making on their own. Check out his business webpage for Iron Warrior Coaching at

I think it is so cool that Wycliffe, as a non-profit organization, smiles upon members like us creating for-profit businesses on the side. This is just another way to be resourceful, use our time wisely, and dedicate every gift God’s given to HIS glory! It’s all from Him and for Him. I like the New Living Translation rendering of Romans 11:36:

For everything comes from him and exists by his power and is intended for his glory. All glory to him forever! Amen.

Christen 🙂

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